Friday 6 November 2009


  • Magazine terminology

-Masthead: most magazines tend to have the masthead at the top of the page in big, bold letters, this is to grab the readers attention and promote the magazine name. the masthead is usually printed in an eye-catching colour to make it stand out and to let the reader know that it is the brand name.

-Dateline: the dateline is placed underneath the masthead on mostmagazine front covers, if it is not placed there it will either be at the side or in the bottom corner next to the barcode and price. magazines have datelines to let the reader now what issue it is.

-title: the title is usually in the middle of the page, either covering the image or as one of the main captions. this is also usually big letters to stand out and grab the readers attention, and alos to let the reader know what the main story of that issue is.

-main image - the main image is the first thing that grabs the readers attention

-colour scheme


- create media texts

- control language, representation & ideology of a text


- the values that the media text conveys

Audience -

  • audience can be classified by:

- age

- wealth

- occupation

- intrests

- groups

Representations -

  • how are groups/issues/individuals portrayed?

- representations convey an...

The Brief

main task : the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. all images and text used must be original, produced by you - minimum of four images.

college magazine front cover