Friday 26 March 2010

Contents page

To create my contents page i also used Adobe Photoshop, I found this the easiest out of all the three things we had to do in the magazine as it was a bit simpler and I done a lot of research for this to get ideas to produce it.
I put the masthead at the top of the page which was F contents with also the date and issue number again. On the left hand side I had the text, which basically had all the contents of the magazine on and on the right hand side I had another image that I had taken of Kat and edited using Photoshop. This was a full length shot that I had taken. I think this image works very well as it stands out and lets the reader realise that this is the main story in the magazine. i used the same location to take this image, my friends house, only i had my model stand against a blank canvas so that my image stood out. i also used similar props in this image only i had my model wearing a different colour dress. this colour of dress, bright red, was also to fit in with the colour scheme of the magazine.
I have carried throughout the magazine the same colour scheme as I think it works well and it also looks quite classy, also i think it will appeal to my target audience.

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