Thursday 15 October 2009

college magazine front cover

This is a college magazine front cover. The heading is at the top of the page and in big, bold letters, this is makes the magazine stand out and attracts the target audience. The masthead is named COLLEGE this is probably the most obvious name for a college magazine as it makes the reader automatically realise that is a magazine about college. The target audience for this magazine is college students aged 16-19. The image is possibly of a student from that college, it is a mid shot and takes up nearly the whole page. They have used an image of a young person so that people realise that the magazine is aimed at a younger audience. The text around the image is about things happening around the college and other things that appeal to college students, i.e fashion, tattoos etc. These little captions are in smaller text but they are still readable. There is a date and issue number near the top of the page but there isn't a price as most college magazines are free. These are in really small text because they aren't as important as other things on the cover, they aren't really necessary. The layout of the cover is quite similar to any other magazine like music, fashion and gossip magazines. With the image being the main focus, the masthead at the top of the page and small captions around the main image.

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