Tuesday 6 October 2009

Magazine conventions

conventions of a magazine:
  • title at top - this is usually in big, bold letters to make the brand stand out and make people remember it.
  • image on the front page - this is usually a mid shot, to grab the readers attention and it usually takes up the whole front cover, leaving space for only small captions around the image.
  • issue number - this tells the reader what issue the magazine is that they are reading, on most magazines this is next to the date and sometimes the barcode.
  • Date - on most magazine front covers this either in the top corner of the page or at the side next to the barcode and issue number.
  • websites - most magazines have their own websites, so this is usually on the front cover to promote the magazine, so that people can go on it and find more things out about the magazine. Also some magazines let company's and stores advertise in their magazines so this can be good for the brand name.

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