Friday 9 October 2009

Q music magazine front cover

The layout of this music magazine front cover is very different to fashion magazine covers. The masthead of the magazine (Q) is in the top left hand corner of the page it doesn't take up a lot of the page as they have made the name of the artist (MADONNA) more noticeable to attract the target audience, this is placed in near the bottom of the page in the middle.The issue number is on top of the magazine name but doesn't cover it too much so it's still readable. The image used is a close up shot of a famous music artist, although the image takes up most of the page there is still a lot of space for small captions and other and images. there is a lot of text used on this cover which makes it look quite busy and there is just one focus point.
The colours used are very dark compared to others, this tells the reader what genre maybe of music they will be reading about. For example if they were reading a girlie pop magazine then the colours used are more likely to be bright and cheerful.
The date & price are both together on the right hand side of the page on the barcode, again this is probably because it is a more expensive magazine and it might put the reader of buying it if they see the price first before anything else.
The target audience for this magazine is teenage girls & boys, women & men aged 16 plus. The ideology behind the magazine is to appeal to music fans. The magazine is mainly about music and not much else, in the magazine they promote new artists, releases and singles.

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