Friday 9 October 2009

Vogue front cover

The masthead of the magazine is at the top of the page, in big capital letters, although part on the image is covering a letter, it is still readable and as it's such a well known magazine the reader knows what the title says anyway.
The colours used for the title change every issue, they have used the colour orange to match this issues theme.
The layout of the front cover is very simple yet eye-catching. It is very easy to see everything and it's not too busy.
The ideology of the front cover is to make the reader realise it is a fashion magazine and a designer magazine, so it's not to cheap and doesn't advertise high street fashion.
Image - this is a very large image that takes up most of the front cover. The image is a full length shot. There are quite a few people in the image but the camera focuses on only one of the people. Vogue have used a celebrity (Penelope Cruz) on their front cover to grab the target audiences attention. The target audience for this magazine is mostly teenage girls and women aged 16 plus, and those who are interested in big brand fashion names i.e Ralph Lauren, Gucci, Prada etc.. I think the reason Vogue has used such a high profile celebrity on their front cover is to give the magazine a high standard name, so that the readers realise it's not cheap like high street fashion magazines and to show that it is at a much higher standard than those magazines.

The small captions around the image tell the reader about main stories in the magazine. On this front cover there aren't many captions as it would take up a lot of the image and maybe make the magazine less appealing to the target audience.

Date, price & issue number - the issue number is in the top left hand corner of the page, covering part of the letter on the title (VOGUE). The date is on the barcode which is on the bottom left hand corner of the page. The price is underneath the magazine name, and is in really small text. I think this is because the magazine costs a lot more than others (£3.80) so they have made it small so not to put the target audience off buying their product

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