Thursday 15 October 2009

fashion rocks contents page

Institution - Fashion rocks magazine
This contents page of a magazine called Fashion Rocks is quite similar to Elle Magazines contents page. It has mainly all the feature stories from the front cover numbered on the page and some other things from the magazine. there aren't as many images on this page but the images that are there also tell the reader about the magazine and some of the main stories in that issue. The title is at the top of the page (TABLE OF CONTENTS) it is very clear to see and also it stands out because there has been two different colours used through it, the colours that have been used are very bright and the text is quite big and bold, this makes the magazine stand out and look fun and interesting, it also attracts the target audience. the target audience for this magazine is teenage girls and women aged 16 plus and those who enjoy reading about fashion. the images that have been used are mainly mid length shots, and they are images of various famous people which make the magazine look good and give it a good name. Although the text that has been used is quite small, it is still readable and it doesn't take up a lot of the page making the page less dull and boring.
There aren't any dates or prices on the contents page but some do have the issue numbers on them. this is because the dates and prices are always on the front covers of magazines.
The ideology - the name, title and pictures show that the magazine is about fashion, beauty and celebrities. The layout of this contents page is very similar to most contents pages, with the title being at the top of the page, the table of contents being on the right hand side of the page and images around the text, they also have the magazine name on there to.

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