Tuesday 6 October 2009

contents page

conventions of a contents page:

  • contents - the table of contents on a contents page makes it easier for the reader to find stories in the magazines and other things that grab their attention from the front cover. not everything in the magazine is usually in the table of contents as most magazines have at least 100 pages, so it would be to much to put everything in there, it is mostly just the stories from the front cover that are in, but not always, sometimes if it is a small magazine then it will have just about everything in the magazine on it. magazines sometimes use different fonts and colours for the numbers and for the text to make it more eye catching and make the magazine look interesting.
  • page numbers - these numbers tell the reader what page the story is on that they are trying to find to make it easier.
  • features & pictures - the features and pictures are usually on the right hand side of the page, these aren't often very big as they tend to just be little snippets of what's inside the magazine
  • websites - the magazine website is usually in small font at the bottom of page.
  • editors notes - not very often are there editors notes, but sometimes there is a small part of the page taken up with a few words from the editor and occasionally there is an image of the person
  • subscriptions- most magazines give a free gift if the reader subscribes to the magazine, this can be to grab to the target audience's attention.

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