Thursday 15 October 2009

elle contents page

Elle magazine have used their own magazine name on the contents page instead of using the word contents. The name is in the top left hand corner of the page in black text, the text isn't very bold but it is still noticeable. The colours that have been used are in theme with the rest of the magazine, they are very girlie yet still make a statement, these have been used to attract the target audience. the target audience for this magazine is teenage girls and women aged 13 plus. The images that are used, around the text, tell the reader what the magazine is about. These images show the reader the ideology of the magazine - mainly make-up and beauty products. all these images and bits of text are snippets of what's inside the magazine.There is quite alot of text on the contents page, not everything in the magazine is numbered on the contents page, it is mainly the stories that are on the front cover. In the bottom corner of the page there are some editors notes that talk about how that issue was made. There are three different parts on the page: this issues stories, the beauty, health and fitness section and the in every issue section. The layout of this age is similar to most contents pages, it is quite simple but still attractive to the target audience of this magazine.

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